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Faraz Roozitalab

Founder & CEO

Faraz Roozitalab is a talented artist with more than 30 years of experience in various art styles, including drawing, painting, graphic design, animation, theater music, etc. He was born on October 26, 1984, and has a master's degree in animation, a bachelor's degree in fine arts, and a diploma in graphic design. 


Faraz is very interested in helping others, especially children with special needs. He believes in using his artistic talents to positively impact people's lives and help them succeed. Faraz tries to bring happiness and peace to the world with his gifts and talents. During his professional life,


Faraz has received numerous awards and recognitions for his outstanding works in the field of art. He has worked with various organizations and individuals to create unique and inspiring works of art that have touched the hearts of many.


Faraz's love for art and his desire to help others have made him a truly outstanding person. He continues to inspire and motivate people around the world with his creativity and passion for making a difference.


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